Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ready, Set, Cook #7!

It's R,S,C Tuesday~Check out the button in the sidebar to your right~~> if you are new to this, for the Rules of Play. (There's also a link there to my newest blog)

Here are the three ingredients for today:

salmon filet

Grab a cookbook, put on your thinking cap, and GO!

PS~Dad is in clinic in Tijuana today~keep him in your prayers.


dalene said...

Grilled Salmon and Pasta

eyes_only4him said...

oh, now your talking..let me see what I can think of...sure it will suck..thats my M.O...heehee

Nerd Mom said...

Now I'm craving salmon. If I had some, I'd probably broil it shioyaki style and serve it up with a nice hot bowl of rice.

FLmom7 said...

My hubby loves salmon- I'll have to try the recipe. Thanks!