This has nothing to do with food, but is dear to my heart, so here it is. This is a grant that my daughter, Megan has written for a local organization. They need your help to be in the top 15. The voting ends on January 9th, so there is a little time left still. Please read this and vote if you feel led to. Thank you!
I am part of the Illick's Mill Project. In October, I wrote a grant for $10,000. Tons of people applied for this grant. How it works is:
1. 30 finalists are chosen from the all of the applications,
2. People vote for which two teams they like the best everyday through December,
3. The 15 most voted for all win $10,000.
The Illick's Mill Project was chosen as one of the 30 finalists. We could really, really use the extra $10,000. So, I'm asking you to help us by voting for us.
How to Vote:
A. Go to www.genv.net/bestbuy and choose the Illick's Mill Project and one other team to vote for (you must choose two teams!),
B. Text BBYV4 to 32075.
YOU CAN DO BOTH! You can vote once a day, but it will be exactly 24 hours before you can vote again.
Tell everyone you know and vote every day. The money would be a huge help to us. I worked really hard on this grant and I would hate to see us not win because not enough people knew to vote.
I voted! Good Luck!
I just voted! Yay! All of your kids are so totally awesome (due to fantastic parenting, I say) and this is a most gracious and awesome thing your daughter is trying to do! I am impressed beyond belief.
I voted as well. I also really dug that "Random Kid" project, and it seems I'm in the majority on that one.
Good luck to your daughter!
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