Zōe Foods may be small, but they're packing some serious flavor and goodness. Take their granola's for example; We taste-tested all three flavors - Cranberries Currants, Honey Almond and Cinnamon Raisin.
Unlike other granolas, which are mostly made up of oats, nuts and dried fruit, Zōe's has these great little soy crisps and rice crisps that make the crunch a whole different experience. Not only is the flavor and crunch awesome, these granolas are chock-full of protein, fiber and Omega-3's, low in sodium and wheat and dairy free.
Here's a tiny excerpt from a conversation I had with my 7 year-old daughter over breakfast one morning:
Katie: Why does the box say, "All Day Energy"?
Me: Because it has a lot of stuff in it that's good for you.
Katie: But, it tastes good!
Try out Zōe's for yourself at www.zoefoods.com , online at Amazon.com or at the retailers listed HERE.
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