Monday, March 20, 2017

Any Sharp Pro

One of the best things about all the gadgets, gizmos, and gear one can obtain in a kitchen is the fact that you can choose just about any color your heart desires. This means that no matter how many times you move (how does 15 times in 20 years sound?), you can take your favorite little bits of "decor" with you.

With so many moves during my first marriage, there wasn't a lot I could do about the way my kitchen looked from a construction standpoint, but I could sure decorate with my favorite color, red, in all the little extras I bought for that room.

No matter what color was on the walls, the countertop and stovetop were filled with reds of all hues and in all shapes and sizes. Here is a photo of a few of my favorites.

My Beautiful Reds!

Now my newest favorite red gadget is this funny-looking little guy - the Any Sharp Pro Sharpener.

The Any Sharp Pro

This is a brand new type of knife sharpener that you have to see to believe. First of all, it's very compact, which is a Godsend because several of the kitchens I cooked in were postage-stamp-sized. It suction-cups itself to the countertop and is as sturdy as can be. No more hanging onto your sharpener with one hand and drawing the blade with another. It sharpens more than one type of knife, too, even serrated!

Seriously good stuff.

When I first opened the box of the Any Sharp Pro, I really wasn't sure this thing had the teeth for the job, but two single passes through the sharpening tools is more than you'll need. My knives are now sharper than ever in so little time. This tiny powerhouse is really worth it!

The Any Sharp Pro comes in many different colors!
Check out the Any Sharp USA website for the Any Sharp Pro and a few other choice products that you'll want to have a look at. You can purchase the Any Sharp Pro directly from the website, as well.

Disclosure: Thank you to Any Sharp Pro USA and 3D Communications for providing the Any Sharp Pro! All opinions are my own and in no way influenced by free product.

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