When I started this blog, it was sort of like every other blog out there; chatty, filled with personal info, serious at times, silly at times. I feel like I've gotten away from that (I know I have) so I want to share where I'm at.
Blogs are supposed to be personal in nature and I realize most of what I've shared lately hasn't been very personal other than the fact that my recipes are mine. Big deal. There are thousands of blogs that share personal recipes and mine is really no different in that respect.
I shared my grandmother's passing here, I shared my father's illness and death here, I shared a pregnancy and birth here, and I shared a personal family tragedy here and through each was supported with an unimaginable caring by my readers.
Here's the deal. I'm divorced. I divorced last August after 22 years of marriage. I'm sure a few of you, the ones who read through each update about my ex-husband's fall and subsequent hospitalizations and recovery are wondering why.
The truth is, beyond that tragedy was another tragedy that was happening every day for many, many years. I've been called a "saint" by close friends and I don't think I am at all, but I do know what I and my children survived for a very long time, and I finally had the courage to say, "enough". I won't get detailed, I don't think it's necessary, but those times where there are large blanks in my posting were the times when things were hardest.
I was presented with an amazing person who helps me daily to see me for me, not the person I was made to think I was; who keeps me smiling and genuinely cares about me. Without that person, I don't think I would have stood my ground and moved on. God is very funny that way ... I think He holds out on you until you're hanging by your last thread only to throw you the strongest rope you've ever had.
The point is, I'm here. I'm probably here for the long haul. Know this though, silence now is more likely the result of something GOOD happening here instead of something not-so-good. For everyone who still reads, I love you. I really do. Some of you have been here from the very start and you know who you are - I appreciate you - some days you were the light that pulled me through.
And, to the amazing someone who still keeps me going now (and the seven amazing kids who love me no matter what) ... I love you, too.

You know what. we'll still be here for you when you're happy. In fact, we prefer you that way.
Happy Bloggiversary, my dear friend!
Happy blogversary Anne! I'm sorry that you've all had to endure what you did but glad to hear that your happy now. Wishing you many many more years of happiness and blogging fun. Can't wait to see whats ahead for all of us.
Jerry and Kim - you're two of the people I was talking about :) Thank you for stopping by!
I'm so sorry to hear about your divorce but I'm glad to hear you are moving to a happier place.
Happy Blogversary Anne! :) Thanks for continuing to share wonderful meals and about yourself with us! I am sorry about the things you've had to go through... I am happy you are at a better place now.
Congratulations on this new chapter in your life.
Anne, I've never been to this site before, but after reading what sounds amazingly similar to my life...minus the new man to be a rope...I will surely be coming back. Best of luck to you and congratulations on your anniversary. I still think of it as God telling me to sh$$ or get off the pot, but I like the rope analogy as well. Be blessed.
Fist - congratulations on 7 years. My mom and I have been long-time followers...but less active in the commenting department as of late. It sounds like you've made some positive changes in your life.
congrats on your blogiversary! i have been coming here to read for a long time, i did notice the lack of posts at times but i still come by to check and see if you have added new posts. nice to "see" you on here again, and i wish you a peaceful future :)
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