Saturday, August 25, 2007

On Her Way

Little girl...

...all grown up.

Just dropped her off at college today. That's 2 people gone from my home, but it sure feels like more. So many left to take care of, you would think the busyness of it all would help. Where did all that time go?


Deborah Dowd said...

Congratulations on a really special milestone! What a beautiful young woman.

kbabe1968 said...

That top pic is almost exactly what she looked like when I first met her. Gosh I love that kid. Praying she has a great year! Email me her college addy, please so I can send her care packages and letters?

Perri said...

She really looks the same through the years doesn't she? You know what I mean - not THE same, but you can tell it's the same person.

Hope she has a good year. You guys remain in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Pretty either way, = )