When was the last time you were hungry? Now, I'm not talking about an hour before dinner when your tummy is growling, I mean real hunger, when you are already famished and have no idea when or what your next meal will be. The name for that condition is called, 'food insecurity', and in my home state, Pennsylvania, it affects 10% of the population. That's an estimated 1.2 million people in Pennsylvania and 31 million across the United States.
Join me, along with ShopRite Partners in Caring and General Mills in the fight against hunger. Fighting hunger is nothing new to ShopRite, they've been doing it for more than 20 years through its support of the Feeding America network (formerly America’s Second Harvest) and through participation in the Checkout Hunger program.
For the last 10 years, the ShopRite Partners in Caring program has joined forces with more than 50 manufacturers to provide products marked with the ShopRite Partners in Caring shelf label. When these products are purchased at any one of the 217 ShopRite stores, a donation is made to a food bank local to that particular store.
Where do you come in? If you live in New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Connecticut or Maryland, shopping at ShopRite stores and choosing products with the Partners in Caring label will help. If you don't live in one of the states mentioned, simply comment on this post and, for every comment made*, a box of General Mills cereal will be donated a local food bank; it doesn't get any easier than that!
For more information on all that ShopRite is doing in the fight against hunger, visit www.ShopRitePartnersInCaring.org
*Up to 30 comments
Great project Anne! I don't live anywhere near those areas so hope my comment helps to bring food to the table for the hungry!
CCR =:~)
I have driven by General Mills headquarters many times, and will give them a kudos for this gesture. Wish they could do more; but then, I wish I could do more, too.
Thanks for coordinating this, Anne.
I dont think there is one near me, but I hope it even gets to you.
Nice Blog. Congrats.
-Zakir Ali ‘Rajnish’
{ Secretary-TSALIIM & SBAI }
[Editor- Children’s Poem & Adult’s Poem]
I do not live in thos areas but I am commenting so that I can do a small part to help fight hunger.
Ok, here's a box of cereal, hope it helps someone!
Thank you, everyone! Keep 'em comin'!
No ShopRites here in Missouri, but I still want to help with the cereal drive. Thanks for posting this.
Excellent idea! I wish there was a similar program in Canada!
Great cause! My folks live in those states, I'll pass this on.
Commenting to help! :)
What a cool idea!
What a wonderful idea. Hope to keep the food coming!!
YAY! Great idea!!!! (((HUGS))) You're awesome!
Hi Anne,
I should thank you for the post, it is really a good cause you are supporting. I don't stay in US,but still wanted to be a part of it, so just thought of writing a comment here.
Anne -- this is awesome!!!
Anne, this is so creative - I hope you get THOUSANDS of comments :)
This is a fantastic cause to support and I love how easy you make it for those of us not in your local area to contribute as well. Thank you to everyone involved.
Have a box of cereal :)
Add another box of cereal to the cause. What an clever way of getting non-locals involved as well. The power of social media to do good is always welcome.
What a great cause. Never been hungry like that, can't imagine :( Here's another box of cereal! Will RT too.
I feel so behind the times.. being the crown prince of aldi's and now a bethlehem expatriate, I havent even graced the new store. would second harvest be our local?
Let's help feed the hungry! Great blog!!
What a great thing you're doing Anne!
What a great cause! Good luck and well done!
Thanks for posting about this! Great cause and your contribution is excellent.
What a great cause! Happy to help!
Definitely happy to help out this cause. We've got enough food to feed the WORLD. Why don't we DO it???
I like it
What an awesome thing to do!
hello...nice blog..:)
What you are doing is fantastic. Many folks only think about what others can do for them, not what they can do for others. General Mills needs to be commended too. Best to you!
BBQing Tips From Deep In The Heart Of Oregon
Thanks for doing this. In these recessionary times, help for the hungry is needed more than ever! Count me #33.
Bless you,
e-Mom @ Susannah's Aprons
Anne, I want to help. We are so blessed, and I am always on the lookout for ways we can give back.
For every comment you get over thirty, I'd like to pay for half of them.
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