Today is our 39th Earth Day! This is one of my favorite days of the year. I love this earth we live on and I think it's every single earthling's duty to protect our resources and treat this world kindly.

One of my favorite ways to 'go green'.
My personal favorite ways to do that are
growing my own garden, walking or using public transportation as much as possible, using cloth bags or re-using other bags when shopping, eating organic and local as much as possible, recycling and
Freecycling and teaching my kids about how to do these things for themselves.
The biggest tip I have for everyone when it comes to the Three R's is this: The first R is REDUCE. Recycling is awesome and re-using is great, but reducing what we use is the first and most important R to be vigilant about.
I think sometimes people assume that we are super-poor because the kids use their coats for more than one year (mine has gone on 5 years) and they don't have a different pair of shoes for each day. Guess what? They don't NEED them! We use what we have for as long as we can and then we take it to the awesome recycling center we have here in Bethlehem, Pa to get rid of it wisely.
Here are some green things to check out today:
The Illick's Mill Project: My daughter, Megan, is part of this wonderful endeavor to reclaim and refurbish the old Illick's Mill and turn it into a beacon of environmental learning. These high-school kids are doing everything from building and painting to grant writing and publishing - all in an effort to create an environment where people can come to learn more about - well, the environment! Every function they hold is graced by earth-friendly products like compostable cups and utensils and the kids work so hard to see this dream come to fruition. Check it out and read all about it!
The Bethlehem, Pa Recycling Center: We have one of the best recycling centers around. We are able to take a plethora of items to the recycling center here and are also blessed to have an awesome curbside pickup. This year, in addition to plastic, glass and aluminum, we have been able to leave paper and cardboard at the curbside for pickup. In the first two months of operation, we recycled 490 tons of paper! That's a huge amount and something every recycling Bethlehemite should be proud of. The newest program is a twice a year yard waste curbside pickup - now we can put our Christmas tree at the curb - can't beat that!
The Hydrogen buses run by our very own Air Products. One of the buses was out and about today at Moravian College and we caught a photo or two.
The website has lots of info on this truly cool mode of transportation and how the
community is getting a look at the buses.

The boy and the bus - note the bare feet.
The Lehigh Valley Food Co-Op is fully operational! Check out the website to order or just to browse the products offered. Local and organic is the way to go and our co-op is ready to help you choose wisely! - A must-read post and a must-see site! I love Eric and all he's doing to teach others about how to care for the environment at the same time they are caring for themselves.
Aluminum foil is not recyclable - right? Well, check out
Reynolds' new RECYCLED aluminum foil. This stuff is super-heavy and takes all you can dish out - no pun intended. If you head over to the website, you can get a free roll for yourself and even enter to
Eco-Friendly Appliances!
A favorite 'green' recipe.
Stonyfield Farm's new
Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt is some seriously good stuff. I used it for one of my very favorite 'green' recipes,
falafel pita - organic from the pita to the raita sauce - and it was absolutely delicious. Check out the website to get a coupon and try it out for yourself. Thick, rich, creamy and delicious in 4 flavors.
One of my new favorite magazines is
Mary Jane's Farm. The best there is for all-things-organic and feminine. Not that guys can't read it, but it is geared toward the organic woman. I don't miss reading a single page in this publication - I love it cover to cover.
Whatever you do today - remember that no action is too small and each one counts toward keeping our earth green and happy.