This month's Daring Bakers' Challenge is hosted by Shuna Fish Lydon of Eggbeater with her Caramel Cake with Caramelized Butter Frosting, as published on Bay Area Bites - full recipe HERE. There was also an optional challenge: Golden Vanilla Bean Caramels from Pure Dessert by Alice Medrich, Artisan Press, Copyright 2007, ISBN: 978-1579652111.
Co-hosting with Shuna are Alex (Brownie of the Blondie and Brownie duo), Jenny of Foray into Food, and for the gluten-free options, Natalie of Gluten-a-Go-Go.
I decided to use the caramels as a decoration for my cake, and although we haven't eaten ours yet, the cake smelled so good when it was baking that I was having to hold the kids back. Caramel is one of my husband's favorite things and he can't wait to get his fork on this one!
I think it went together really easily, the cake baked perfectly and the icing was a real pleasure to work with. I can tell you that the caramels themselves are delightful.
That looks so beautiful. What a great idea for the caramels!!! You never fail to amaze me!
A great looking cake! I love the pretty decorations!
Your cake is so cute! Wonderful!
What a gorgeous cake! Caramel from top to bottom, it doesn't get any better than that. YUM!
I love the caramel circles on top. What a delightful looking cake!
Very yummy! can I have one of the pieces, I mean thank you very much for putting up this picture along with the post. I appreciate it.
I've seen this caramel cake in some other blogs, but yours is definitely the cutest one!!
I don't know how you can hold off eating that cake! Its so yummy. I love your caramel decorations
I can't believe you haven't eaten it yet. Serious willpower.
Great work on this month's challenge - love how you decorated
Oh boy, that looks good! Been getting a sweet tooth building up lately and this just may do the trick. :-)
Hi Anne!
Have a great week and keep the good eats coming! ;-)
I love that you used the actual caramels to decorate! Gorgeous!
Your blog should come with a free gym membership. Every time I read it, I have to eat!
Really beautiful Anne. I'm sure it's just a faint memory by now.
I do love the caramel decorations! I do hope that y'all loved it!
I keep seeing this cake on different blogs and I WANT IT! This is one of the prettiest
love caramel cakes, specially this one
My! My! That looks amazing.... and totally yummy!
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