Family dinner; it's just another night at the table, isn't it? My own family gathers each night to eat together and discuss our day. Sometimes it all goes rather smoothly and other times we have kids leaving the table in tears. As frustrating as that can be, I'd miss it terribly if it were taken from me.
For tens of millions of people across the globe, family dinner is a thing of the past and a thin thread clung to in the hopes that it will again happen some day. Those people are refugees.
What exactly is a refugee? A refugee is a person that flees to a foreign country to escape danger or persecution. Many people find themselves not only separated from their country, their home and their familiar surroundings, but also from their families. Many families flee together only to lose contact with one another and have nowhere to call home. Imagine yourself in this situation. What would you do? Where would you turn? Even if you found a place of refuge, how would you find your family?

BlogCatalog, in conjunction with Refugees United is getting the word out today; There is hope. Refugees United is a unique online forum - completely anonymous - that helps refugees to connect with family and friends. While they are not able to provide reunions of a physical nature, they do provide a way for refugees and their loved ones to get in touch.
From the website:
Refugees United provides refugees with an anonymous forum to reconnect with missing family. By registering with nick- names, scars, former locations and other markers only identifiable to family and close friends, everyone can remain 'invisible' to all but relatives.Before you sit down with your family tonight, please take a moment to check out the Refugees United website to find out how you can help bring families together -- because everyone deserves to know where family is.
All refugees are welcome, regardless of conflict, place or time. Refugees United is an independent, non-political, non-religious NGO. No third party is involved. No official papers need to be filled in. The service is free of charge and easy to use.
Knock on wood, I hope this will not happen to us. Great post!
My own family gathers each night to eat together and discuss our day.
That must be a big table...
Your post is right on. Many refugees have lost everything. They have no family, no table and no food. How can we not be compassionate enough to speak up for them? Thanks for participating in Blogger's Unite.
Excellent post, very well said!
What a great way to try to unite refugees with their friends/families. Thanks for posting about this.
great stuff keep the unite going it is always important to remember that we keep the unite going even after today
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