I do like these cabinets above the sink, the older type, all the way to the ceiling, with a wonderful patina to the wood. There were cabinets like these in the house dad lived in at Harbor Beach, Michigan.

Some of my favorites from my collection:
The Art of Irish Cooking, Monica Sheridan
The Modern Art of Cooking, Auguste Escoffier
Pedaling Through Provence, Sarah Leah Chase
The French Chef, Julia Child
Monet's Table, Claire Joyes (the photos in this are wonderful)
The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook
Entertaining For All Seasons, a Sunset publication
The Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook--several years--my very first cookbook was on of these
Farm Journal's, Homemade Bread
Tea Time at the Inn, Gail Greco
Beeton's Book of Household Management, Isabella Beeton-this links to a complete e-book! A MUST read for all women who's hearts live in a gentler time.
Love the link to the Beeton Book! What fun!
You're going to have to expound on why each favorite is your favorite. ;o) I only have one of the cookbooks you mention, but I have a lot of Monet gardening books, and I'm really tempted to hunt down the Monet cookbook.
That may be a book in itself! :o) If I get a "moment" (ha ha) I'll think on it. Which book do you have?
I have "The Better Homes & Gardens New Cookbook" - It's been a long time favorite of mine too.
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