

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

This week ...

I have some food things I want to share this week, but life, as usual, is a bit crazy here.

Today is my Ian's birthday, he is 4! He shares his birthday with my grandma, she would have been 100 today. We'll celebrate for her with extra cake. His cake and a snippet of him with his favorite gift are HERE.


I lost a step-brother on Sunday evening. He lost his fight with leukemia at 51 years old. His wife and two young-adult daughters are devastated as is my step-father. Steve was one of the truly good guys in the world and he dearly loved his family.


  1. A very happy birthday to Ian. 4 is a great year!

    And my condolences on the loss of your step-brother.

  2. happy happy to Ian.... can't wait for Pablo to turn 4!

    so sorry to hear about your step-brother. We'll keep you and his family in our prayers!

  3. happy b'day to lan, my kiddo shares his b'day with urs, he too turned 4 on 1st july..:)

    Feeling sorry for ur loved ones, may god give u strengthduring this tough time..

  4. hey happy birthday to lan .

  5. Happy birthday, Ian!

    I'm so sorry for your family's loss. (((HUGS)))

  6. Happy Birthday, Ian!! Have a fantastic 5th year, cutie!

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your step-brother, Anne. It's so hard to lose one of the good guys. :o(

