

Friday, January 04, 2008

What's Your Mediterranean Style?

Rocco DiSpirito has things cookin' at What's Your Med From a blog, to videos, to recipes, it's all there. Check out the winner of the co-hosting contest as well!

There's also a $2 coupon from Bertolli for their Mediterranean Style frozen dinners. Click on over and get started!


  1. Hi. I found your blog at blogvillage. My blog Family Adventures is also listed there. I wanted to stop by and say hi and also invite you to participate in the upcoming blog village carnival, much ado about money. I am hosting this carnival and I wrote a post on my blog all about what a carnival is and how to enter, the post can be read here. A carnival is a great way to get to know the other bloggers at blog village and to expose your blog to other bloggers. I don't think I know any mediterranean dishes, I will have to go and check this out.

  2. You have a great blog here i really enjoyed reading it.
    Come on over and read the 2 of mine, i think you will like them

    and esp this one

  3. Marsha, I'm reading! Money--oye, does the fact that I don't have any count? ;o)

    Duuuuuuuuude--I'll be checkin' ya out!
