

Monday, August 13, 2007


Long story very short--the surgery took 6 hours. The wrist is plated and pinned and the hip/SI joint has a 15cm (6") pin throughout.

He WILL WALK--his nerves are showing damage on the left to his foot so he may have a "foot drop" that will need therapy and possibly a lift in his shoe. The wrist will take at least a year before he can use it, and he will not be able to do ironwork ever again. It takes too much balance, which he will no longer have, and too much strength and flexibility in his wrist--which is gone, too.

Now we wait to see how his lungs are doing before they can remove the vent and send him WAY CLOSER for therapy. Maybe 4 days, maybe a week--nobody knows right now.

So, WHEW! Biggest hurdle over--NO MORE SURGERIES NEEDED--and we can move on--slowly, but ever so surely.


  1. yay!
    congratulations and continued prayers.

  2. My mum has a lift in her shoe after her pin and therapy does wonders! All sorts of things will help with your hubbies recovery i know somebody that had a similar operation to your husbands did a lot of gardening therapy :)

    A big whew indeed!

  3. Things just seem to crawl along and them BOOM! off to a racing start and hopefully one that will knit and heal soon. Thanks for keeping us posted :)

  4. Amen! Great news. Your hubby is a fighter. Remember - it was the slow and steady tortoise that won the race.

  5. So glad to hear it, I have been reading about your husband with great concern. We have many projects around our farm that involves climbing up high, roofs, and this weekend we have to dismantle a 15' high, wire corn crib. I will be worring the whole time. I just really hope that you don't think the doctors limitations for your husband recovery are final. You never can tell. Your husband may surpass all the expectations. He may, with hard work, get more function back than they think. They always seem to predict the worst and then if the recovery is better then they can be heros. Anyway..sorry to ramble so much, I really enjoy your writing. Hope all goes well!

  6. Anne, You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so glad to hear that the surgery went well and with some therapy, he will be walking!

  7. Anne, that is wonderful news- now onto the lungs, and getting off the vent. The prayers will keep on coming.

  8. Anne, you and your family have been constantly in my thoughts. I am so happy to hear the good news.

    I will continue to keep you in my prayers.
