

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

BoB Time Again

'Tis the Season in more ways than one! It's time for the annual Best of Blog Awards.

I was honored enough to have
won last years' Best Cooking or Recipe Blog award and it has been an experience that tops my All-Time-Best list. I've met people I never would have met and been offered opportunities that would never have come along had it not been for the BoBs.

Jim Turner pours his all into this endeavor and any help or support that you can offer him would be appreciated in a big way.

Get on over to the
Best of Blogs website and check things out.

I'm looking forward to a great time this year!


  1. On my way to check out that website!

    How about another picture of the little one?

  2. My goodness! Time sure flies when you're having fun- huh sweet? :)
