

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Many Thanks

I'm just no good at Thank Yous. I fail miserably trying to say it and come off sounding fake. 'Scuse me if that happens again.

My dear friend
Mamacita sent word to the masses (and I do mean masses, she has quite the following) and I was visited by some very lovely people.

All of your words of kindness about Dad helped to ease the pain. Really. Please check out the comments from my last post and give those people a visit. They are all terrific, diverse, and well-written.

Send them a hello from Anne if you would and give them all a good once-over.

As for me, I'm hanging in there. There was a decision not to have any type of services for dad becuase we all live so far from one another. There will be a memorial of some sort in the not-too-distant future. I'm not used to this way of doing things so it feels as if there is no "closure". I have moments where, without all the formality, it feels as if dad never existed to anyone but me. I know he did though and I have gotten emails and cards from others who loved him.

I bet none of this makes much sense to anyone else.

I had a moment or two where I wanted to stop blogging~just quit the whole thing. Anyone who reads this regularly knows that dad loved this blog so I guess I will just keep on keepin' on, just as dad would have. He wasn't one to sit and dwell on things.

So, because of dad, have no fear, I'll be here. (ugh-sorry for the rhyme)

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog because of Mamacita - I am sorry to hear of your dad's passing away. My dad passed away almost 4 years ago and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. It looks like you have wonderful memories of him.
